We are pleased to invite you to the 3rd International Conference on Maternal Mental Health in Africa (ICAMMHA) to be held between 3rd-5th December 2024, at the beautiful Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe. This event will be hybrid.
ICAMMHA, as a new flagship mental health conference, focuses on innovation in Maternal Mental Health in Africa with emphasis on research and practice. The conference features world-class plenary speeches, distinguished Symposium talks, exhibits, oral and poster sessions, debates, and panels. ICAMMHA is comprised of research papers, special guest speakers, international position papers and best practice abstracts on responses to the call-for-proposals.
High quality abstracts were invited from professional academic, clinical, strategic, and lived experience perspectives on any topics relating to maternal mental health, including the following:
Category 1. Perinatal Mental Health: implementing the WHO “Guide for integration of perinatal mental health in maternal and child health services.”
Category 2. Maternal, infant, and young child mental health and nutrition
Category 3. Interventions
Category 4. The mediating and modulating role of trauma
Category 5. Maternal Mental Health: everybody’s business?
Category 6. Voice your views
This conference is calling for papers for debate, to give conference delegates an opportunity to air their views on a broad range of topics, including the following:
Key Information:
Delegates are encouraged to submit more than one abstract if they wish to, however, please submit one abstract per email.
Review Process:
All abstracts will be reviewed and selected based on a definite set of criteria, including:
Submission of Abstracts:
Prospective authors are invited to submit abstracts (Up to 300 words) using 1.5 spacing, font 12 New Times Roman.
Submissions should state whether for workshop, symposium, oral or poster and whether for in person or virtual presentation.
Key dates:
Please submit your abstracts to:
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